Pollen trap install on conection hose of the WindowBee® hive
Bee Pollen Nutrition Facts – Bee Pollen is Considered a Superfood
Today bee pollen is sold and used as a dietary supplement because it is known to include many nutrients.
Bees collect the pollen and then use the bee pollen as food to meet their own needs nutritionally, ensuring that they grow and develop the way they should. This means that this food really is nutrient dense.
Studies show that bee pollen isn’t just good for the bees – it’s good for humans too. Before deciding if you want to try this supplement, it is a good idea to learn about bee pollen nutrition facts so you can understand how bee pollen can benefit you as well.
Macronutrient Breakdown – Bee Pollen Nutrients
If you’re going to look at the bee pollen nutrition facts, you’ll first want to look at the macronutrient breakdown.
Does bee pollen have protein? Yes, in most cases, bee pollen contains about 35-40% protein.
About 55% of the bee pollen is carbohydrates and there is only about 2% fat content in the bee pollen.
Usually the calorie content of bee pollen comes in at about 16 calories for every teaspoon that is consumed.
Keep in mind, the proportions of these macronutrients can vary a bit, depending on the exact region where the bee pollen is produced and harvested.
Amino Acids
When it comes to the nutritional value of bee pollen, quite a few amino acids are contained within the bee pollen. Amino acids help the body in a variety of different ways. Some can help with weight loss while other amino acids may help you to recover faster from physical training.
Certain amino acids can help to provide an increase in libido, both in men and women. They also work to help rejuvenate organs and glands throughout the body and some studies show they can help fighting cancer too. According to bee pollen nutrition facts, here is a list of some of the amino acids contained in bee pollen:
Glutamic Acid
Aspartic Acid
Important antioxidants are also found in bee pollen according to the bee pollen nutrition facts. Certain antioxidants, like bioflavonoids, are contained within bee pollen, along with many other trace elements and vitamins.
Antioxidants are so important to the body because they help to neutralize the free radicals that cause so much harmful damage to the body. Free radicals disrupt important metabolic processes in the body, which can lead to various physical problems, including cancerous cells.
The antioxidants found in bee pollen can help to neutralize these free radicals, reducing the risk of many physical problems. Here is a list of just a few benefits antioxidants can provide you with:
Give the immune system a boost
Aids in detoxification of the liver
Helps to reduce the risk of cancer
Works to prevent premature aging from occurring
Nutritional value of bee pollen show that many vitamins are included within the bee pollen as well. In fact, it is thought that all essential vitamins for human life are included. Each vitamin needed by the body is needed for specific processes that keep the body working as it should. It’s also important to note that not only are all the essential vitamins included in the bee pollen, but these vitamins are contained in the right concentrations to work effectively together too. Some of the vitamins found in bee pollen include:
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Vitamin K
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
All the B vitamins, including B-12, B-1 Thiamine, B-6 Pyridoxine, B-3 Niacin, B-2 Riboflavin
Folic Acid
Important Minerals
Trace minerals help make up the nutritional value of bee pollen as well. These trace minerals are also needed for the proper function of the body. Calcium is one important mineral found in the pollen and it is needed to help create strong bones and teeth, to name a few important benefits of the mineral.
Potassium is also important, helping to promote proper muscle function and more. Iron is included according to bee pollen nutrition facts and is needed to make sure red blood cells are created and to avoid problems with anemia. Other trace minerals found in bee pollen include:
Other Things Included in Bee Pollen
These are only a few of the important things included in bee pollen according to well known bee pollen nutrition facts. Many other things are included, such as enzymes. Various enzymes found in the bee pollen include catalase, pectase, saccharase, pepsin, trypsin, and more. Other important nutrients found that are not included in previous categories include the following:
nucleic acids
and many more
Where Can I Buy Bee Pollen
Bee pollen supplements are found easily today, but it doesn’t mean that they are all created equally. As you choose a supplement, it’s important to avoid going with just the cheapest brand. However, it’s better to ensure you choose a quality supplement, not just a cheap one.
We have tried one supplement, Xtend Life Natural Energy, which meets our high standards. The company doesn’t focus on cost, but instead they focus on the highest quality.
When choosing a bee pollen supplement, it’s also essential to check the ingredients on the label to ensure that the product contains all natural ingredients that will further boost the effect of the pollen.
Xtend Life bee pollen provides all their ingredients on the package. Special enzymes, including Amylase, Lipase, and other enzymes are blended into the bee pollen to make the product even more effective, since they work before the pollen is put into a capsule. With the attention to detail and quality, it’s easy to see why Natural Energy has earned it’s way to the top recommended bee pollen product.
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