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Where you can breed the bees?


Swarms of bees in the natural nest or in ordinary hives are year-round. This means that they can survive the winter heating them selfs in interior habitat of the beehive during the cold time, burning the accumulated stocks of sugar or honey.
When weather is cold swarms members (in count of about 40.000 individuals) form a kind of ball (sphere) from theirs bodies with tight outer sheath of bees. As a result, with a total weight of about 4 kg behave as 4 kg warm-blooded animal. They can defend themselves against changes in temperature and humidity adjusting the density and size of the so-called withers or of the sphere and regulate theirs metabolism.
WindowBee® observation hive contains bee weighing only 0,1-2,0kg. It is therefore extremely difficult for them to keep needed proper warm in the flat beehive (large area of heat loss). Even in the summer when temperature around the hive falls lower than 15’C the bees are in danger because of humidity and then fungus disease.
During the rearing brood temperature inside the hive must be keep at around 34’C. If you do not provide temperature in range 18-30’C around the hive during brood rearing period, larvae and eggs are able to die, get sick, causing dieback whole bee family. For this reason the place where you install in your WindowBee® hive MUST be placed indoor in house temperature!. It is a condition for the survival of bees. In addition, its design does not protect from water in case of rain. Of course, both cold and excessive heat will lead to the death or escape of the colony. The WindowBee® hive should be situated in a room in which there is no direct sunlight shining on it, the temperature seldom or never exceed 30’C or is lower than 15’C.

For the bees it is far harder to decrease the temperature in the hive than increase it. It is true that they can bring and evaporate the water, a lot of bees can take care of ventilation slots but in the long period of time they stop working after a certain time. And in a panic saving their lives trying to escape from the hive.

That is why it is very important to set the hive in optimum thermal conditions (range :15-30’C without direct sunlight). The 15’C mainly in winter, when bees are not compelled to rearing next generations of bees. Lowering the temperature below 15’C during the winter season makes the bees start to heat intensively each other and produce large amounts of metabolic steam.

Condenses it in unheated by bees patches, combs and walls of the hive. Moisture leads to the appearance of mold and very concerned the bees, which, rather than sit quietly through the winter on the slices start pacing the hive. Anxiety is increasing, the temperature rises, the consumption of food as well. Bees steeped in the gut and then go out even when there is frost on the outside wanting to empty theirs abdomen and die in freezing cold. The part of them can not find the exit and pollutes the feces plasters, the walls of the hive even more concerned the other bees and the whole cycle winds up in a vicious circle.


Very important is the choice of windows or walls for the bees. The window should not be disturbed by his view of people, cars etc passing by. The bees can arouse sensation and some onlookers can call the fire department. To avoid this, keep the following guidelines:

Do not expose the outlet of beehive below the 3rd floor above the street. If this is the only possible place , make sure that the passers-by bees divides the green belt of trees or tall shrubs and the distance to the road pavement in a straight line from the building exceeds 20m.

2) Do not expose the outlet beehive playgrounds children.
In general, do not place it at the side, before which at the same height in a radius of about 20m people walking or farm animals that can catch fleeing bees, or are adjacent windows of the building. Caught or pressed a bee sting in self-defense.
Green, fences and other obstacles make possible to reduce this distance because the bees are forced to vertical soar into the air and flying do not intersect with the route people.
After a period of familiarization with the new place , bees movement prior to departure is minimal and does not arouse attention of onlookers, it remains unnoticed. It is good to inform the surrounding neighbors, especially those with windows bordering on ours, that can happen a few times when before the window will circulate a lot of bees. It should also be explain the essence of the phenomenon and to ensure that the bees are not angry and just get acquainted with the new place. It is important just wait ,then the whole situation safely for all passes.

Summing up the whole chapter: not buy the WindowBee® hive and bees if:

Our location window / wall is exposed directly to the movement of pedestrians or vehicles at a distance of up to 20 m in a straight line. In this case, it is required at least a third floor to not scare passers-by flying bees in front of a window or the bees foragers mass death TRACE by the cars. The lower location is only possible if between the window and the street is closed plants green screen or other obstruction eg. brick fence, high hedge forcing bees to soar before her high into the air. We should also avoid the inner corners of the blocks where the windows of individual apartments are pointing at each other or are to close.

2) Bees would fly out on the playground children or farm animals (horse sweat irritates the bees really what may induce workers to stinging , horses are very sensitive to bee venom).

3) We live in a desert town where the lack of plants and crops, uncultivated trees pollen- nectariferous within a radius of 1 kilometer. (It take place very rare, often in rural areas …)

4) We have the only window/wall north, north-west or live above the sixth floor.

5) Someone from our family is allergic to bee venom.

The best is the location in our own single family home with a garden in the city. Usually all the conditions are friendly to beekeeping, and we can enjoy the work of bees on our flowers, not afraid of difficulties of Use for the garden as often happen in the case of full size and large hives in which the bees organize patrol guards.

Very important is the direction in which will be directed outlet of the hive. Direction east and south due to less frequent winds from these directions seems to be the best. Furthermore, the heat of the sun during periods of spring and autumn can gain strength when tired foragers sits on the wall to rest. Sunlight also allows to the bees early start work each day.
Western direction, and Northwest is less favorable. Bees are often blown out, and on windy days can not at all go out of the hive because of the draft, especially on the higher floors of the blocks. This problem is less in the case of single-family houses where air blows are much weaker. In this case, the location is as good as southern or eastern.
The only benefit of poor location toward the outlet is the colonies condition which consists only of the strong individuals, weak or sick die quickly.
Direction bit north in the block above the 1 floor does not seem adequate. The lack of warmth of the sun, strong winds increase significantly the mortality rate among foragers. In addition, there are the same disadvantages as in the north west. Definitely better in this respect is an exhibition outlet in a north-easterly direction. The early appearance of sunlight in the summer, the lack of strong gusts of wind from that direction allows for reasonably safe flight of bees.
Bees can also be set with a terrace or balcony and let them fly out there. They are usually covered then from the strong gusts of wind, and the decor balcony greatly facilitates the orientation. The disadvantage of this arrangement hive is that the flight of bees takes place in a space where we walk, or walk our four legs friends. Bees generally are very mild and do not attack, but sometimes It can happen. Some times in a distance of 1 m from the entrance to the hive, some bee colony set a guard who can sting when something starts to move quickly.

It should be remembered that if the bees once they learn their place of residence, they can only be moved to a location away at least 5 km to re-learn to their place of residence and will not return to the old.
You may also be used carbon dioxide, which receives the bees memory of the hive location and when maintained for three days in a dark basement.
After anesthesia co2 can be put in any other nearby location.
If you are sure that you have the queen gives a very gentle offspring, it will be a good location if you use the balcony.
Place the outlet bees can be marked. This significantly reduces the possibility of wandering foragers especially the first flight and the presence of entire rows similar looking windows on the wall of the block. That is where meaning is necessary. The best bee seen through the colors are blue and yellow. Windowsill and the entrance to the hive should be painted in these colors, you can also attach a special sticker waterproof supplied with the hive on a windowsill or window directly at the outlet. Definitely this reduces mistakes bees, thanks to this there are misled similarity windows neighbors and go directly to our window.
When setting the hive in detached houses where the area of the window or wall is specific and does not create opportunities wandering You can skip painting the entrance to the hive.

Setting the hive in the apartment is also a very important factor in its usefulness

It should be set in place for easy access to it and to the observations because it is for this purpose have been created. Characteristic wooden modern design can be exposed on a shelf located as close to the window on the wall exposed to the room where the bees are placed. This location also protects the bees from cold or wind. At the same time allows normally use of the window (the bees do not fly into the house after it was opened, but with opening window You should wait for 2 weeks from the time of set beehive in its place. For this 2 weeks they will learn to hit accurately.) Are guided directly to the outlet in the corner, allowing you to watch the flight at the open window wide.

If possible hive wire and hose should be isolated from radiators which are often localized directly under the windows. This is important in the winter. Warm dry air stimulates the winter bees. Then try to go out on the window sill, even during cold weather. Those that do not turn around and fly at temperatures <5’C probably die. Furthermore, the heat and activity of bees leads to winter lay eggs by the mother honeybee – this is a very undesirable phenomenon. Bees raising the young generation can survive a maximum of 35-40 days, not committed to brood rearing over 180 or the winter. Young bees rearing in winter will be very bad quality – poorly nourished moreover, will not be able to fly out to defecate. They will give feces inside the hive leading to the development of diseases, moreover, will disturb the family which will begin early flights and a large number of foragers will not return. Bees raised in the winter will not be able to take inventory of body protein-fat feeding on pollen and honey. In winter, just pollen has generally will not be wrestling. Therefore, the bees will be live shortly. Lack bee nurses have exhausted their forces in the winter of their upbringing. In the spring bee colony will not be able to feed the young larvae by royal jelly.

In the absence of opportunities mounting shelves hives can be placed directly on the windowsill. This has both sides – advantages and disadvantages. Before setting, the window at least the height of the hive must be covered white cardboard, polystyrene or better reflector infrared waves to prevent any sunlight. It can kill the bees (hive very quickly heats up). Putting it on the window give up the ability to open and to limit in some way suppliers may observation hive. Beehive set at least 5-10 cm from the surface of the glass to protect the bees against changes in temperature outside – mainly in the winter cold summer heat – cardboard may heat up even though it is white. The advantage of the hive settings on the windowsill is a better sense of the seasons by bees .The bees correctly feel autumn frosts and queens break at the right time laying .The stop of oviposition in autumn and winter allowing the bees to a long life without the need for extremely aggravating work of bee nurses.
In addition, winter bees are very lazy, warm currents of air from the radiators bypass hive. Bees should be possible in quiet rooms – bedrooms, quiet living rooms or hallways. Avoid children’s rooms (unless are older than 12 years). Younger children may disturb the bees in addition, a variety of fun, there is the possibility of dropping the hive with his exhibition. By setting hive should take care of ventilation. Visible in the hive vents should be exposed. Excessive be closed by using a propolis themselves will be able to adjust a ventilation. On the other hand they are necessary in order not to accumulate moisture hive. This is important especially in the winter and that the hive does not overheat and do not accumulate too much CO2. Too high level stimulate bees to swarm and escape swarms from the hives. It should be remembered that the increase in temperature> 20C in winter is very harmful for bees. Optimum temperatures during the period where the slag is not the brood is in the range 15-20’C. Such temperature ensures proper overwintering.

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